Are You Still Giving Lutein Esters to Your Child?

To better protect children's eye health, today's parents have taken a variety of measures, including doctor's recommendations, to deal with the harm to children's eyesight caused by blue light from electronic products that can be seen everywhere.

These include the following ways:

  • Do more outdoor sports
  • Avoid strong light
  • Focus on learning entertainment and living routine
  • Focus on nutrition - supplement with dietary supplements

Going to bed early and getting up early, regular study and entertainment life, healthy eating, and outdoor exercise are the general rules that most doctors and parents pay attention to health. Targeted eye health is not only to avoid strong light but also to supplement sufficient high-quality eye nutrition.

The recognized eye nutrition lutein, due to the limitations of the human body, cannot be synthesized by itself, and can only be supplemented by external intake. In the face of the poor content of lutein in various vegetables and fruits, supplementing with lutein dietary supplements is an efficient and convenient method at present.

When choosing lutein, parents will also encounter many options that non-professionals can quickly decide on. Today, I will discuss with parents how to choose lutein and lutein esters in the market.

Lutein and lutein esters look very similar, but they are different substances:

  • Lutein is plant lutein, which is a well-characterized antioxidant. Lutein esters are different from lutein, which is a carotenoid and a type of oleic acid. Not a class of matter in nature.
  • Different absorption methods. Lutein is a very good antioxidant, a substance with a high concentration in the human retina. It can increase eye nutrition and protect vision. Lutein can be directly absorbed by the human body, and lutein esters need to be converted into lutein before they can be absorbed by the human body.
  • Also, there are differences in security. Lutein esters are equivalent to fat-soluble "vitamins" that can be stored in the body's fat, similar to vitamin D's side effects, and are prone to overdose risk.

Therefore, lutein is superior in the selection of children's eye nutrient lutein and lutein ester supplements.

ZUBR children's patented lutein has cooperated with FloraGLO, a global high-end lutein supplier, to make it the most competitive eye protection product on the market. FloraGLO has invested heavily in research and development in breeding and other aspects for more than 20 years and has cultivated high-quality vectors. Weaknesses in stability are overcome. Combined with the characteristics of lutein in its free state, small molecule, easy to absorb, and the way it can be directly absorbed by the human body, it has played a great role in allowing lutein to reach the retina, increasing the concentration of lutein in the retina, and providing nutrition to rod cells. Numerous patent applications have also confirmed FloraGLO's high-end status in the lutein industry.

Of course, ZUBR children's patented lutein not only has FloraGLO's lutein but also ZeaONE's zeaxanthin to supply nutrients to retinal cone cells, so that the entire retina has enough nutrients in the center and surrounding of the macula to resist the ubiquitous blue light damage.
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