ZUBR Takes You Deeper into Eye Health

With the development of the times, screens have entered all aspects of our daily life, such as mobile phones, computers, TVs, and so on. Especially in the child stage, intellectual games, online learning, entertainment audio-visual, long-term and high-frequency interaction with various electronic screen products. The problem of overuse of the eyes is also increasing almost exponentially, and myopia, amblyopia, and astigmatism further endanger children's vision health.

Of course, mobile phones and computers also bring a lot of convenience to children's growth and learning. It's even more important to strike a balance between the child's interaction with the screen while ensuring that they are not bothered by vision problems. As parents, we should guide our children to do more outdoor sports and reduce their interaction time with screens. In addition, eye nutrition supplements are also an option for both. 

What is the nutrition of the eyes?

The human retina is mainly composed of cone cells and rod cells. Cone cells are mainly distributed in the retina's fovea, responsible for central vision, while rod cells are scattered around the fovea. The total number of photoreceptor cells in the human eye is about 137 million, of which rod cells account for 95% (about 130 million), while cone cells are only about 7 million.

The main differences between cone cells and rod cells include differences in function and distribution, as follows:

  1. Function: The main function of cone cells is to sense strong light and color, that is, to receive light stimulation during the day, mainly bright light, that is, strong light. The function of rod cells is mainly to sense weak light, such as relatively dim light sources, such as night, although it is dark, objects can usually be seen to a certain extent;
  1. Distribution: Cone cells are mainly distributed in the macula, that is, the central part of the macula. There are only cone cells in this part, which can sense normal light and color, and belong to the dense part of the cone cells. Better visual acuity is 1.0 visual acuity at the time of visual acuity examination, which is accomplished by the foveal cone cells. Gradually extending to the periphery, the cone cells gradually decreased, and the rod cells gradually increased. The latter were mainly distributed in the middle and peripheral parts of the posterior muscle of the eye, and there were no rod cells in the center of the macula.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only two carotenoids found in the eye's cones and rods of the retina, and their chemical structures are very similar. The macula is the area of the retina responsible for central vision, responsible for clear central vision, and the ability to perceive color. Lutein mainly exists in the center of the macular area of the retina, and zeaxanthin mainly exists in the periphery of the macula. Lutein and zeaxanthin can filter blue light and ultraviolet light, and they have strong antioxidant effects, thus helping to prevent blue light, ultraviolet light, and free radical damage to the macula and retina. If sunglasses are the first line of defense against blue light UV rays, lutein and zeaxanthin are the last lines of defense. And these two substances cannot be synthesized in the human body. These are the two most important nutrients for the eyes.

Of course, in addition to lutein and zeaxanthin, retinal zinc, vitamin C concentrations, and anthocyanins also play an important role in eye health.

At the beginning of the design of ZUBR's patented lutein for children, in addition to careful research and consideration of the synergy of various nutrients in the eyes, it also adopted the experimental formula of the AREDA eye disease project of the National Institutes of Health.

The reason why ZUBR Children's Lutein is a high-quality, high-quality eye care product lies in the control of raw materials. The professional brands FloraGLO lutein and ZeaONE zeaxanthin with a history of more than 20 years was first selected by the product team, not only because of the patented technology such as breeding but also because of the patented anti-blue light technology after the combination of the two. It is one of the most competitive eye protection products today. ZUBR will also continue to cooperate with FloraGLO and ZeaONE to participate in more research and cooperation. Take eye health and vision protection as the direction and mission of the brand's focus.

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